

Merchandising is an integral part of any retail business including furniture stores. It’s an art of presenting the products in a way that captures the customers’ attention and convinces them to make a purchase. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, furniture stores need to use effective visual merchandising strategies to stand out from their competitors. In this blog post, we’ll discuss ten proven strategies that can help furniture stores enhance their merchandising tactics to drive sales and increase their bottom line.

Create a Theme

Creating a theme is a great way to create a cohesive look throughout your store. Choose a theme that fits your target market or a special occasion, such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, or Christmas. Make sure the theme carries throughout the store design, from the front window display to the merchandise arrangement. This will create a sense of continuity for customers as they walk through the store.

Use Lighting Effectively

Proper lighting not only highlights your products but also creates a certain ambiance in your store. Aside from the traditional overhead lighting, consider adding some accent lighting to create a focal point of certain items. You can also use lightboxes or backlighting to create a dramatic effect that attracts customers’ attention and encourages them to take a closer look.

Play with Color and Texture

Colors and textures are the most effective tools to create mood and atmosphere. Choose colors that suit your theme and your store’s overall design. Incorporate different textures, such as wood, metal, or fabric, to add depth and visual interest to your displays.

Create a Stunning, Eye Catching Window Display

Your store window is the first impression that your customers get of your store. It needs to be visually compelling and reflect your brand and products in an engaging way. Make sure it showcases your best selling products, features your current promotions, and changes frequently enough to keep customers interested.

Utilize Space Effectively

Use your store’s space to your advantage by creating different zones for different areas of interest. For instance, create a zone dedicated to living spaces, another for dining spaces, and another for outdoor furniture. Make sure each area is unique and captivating, creating a feeling of comfort and ease.

Set up Inspirational Vignettes

Create inspirational vignettes in areas of your furniture store to showcase how a different combination of furniture could look in a particular space. This ignites the customer’s imagination and inspires them to purchase by showing them how products can enhance their home.

Invest in Interactive Displays

Interactive displays are great not only for providing customers with additional product information but also for keeping them engaged. Include interactive displays where customers can engage with products and receive detailed information about them.

Incorporate Signage and Graphics

Use signage and graphics to support your overall merchandising strategy. They should highlight any promotions and showcase relevant product information such as prices, sizes, or warranty.

Keep it Simple

While it’s important to make an impact on customers, don’t overdo it. Minimalist merchandising is the way to go nowadays in the furniture industry. Be sure to give customers enough room to navigate your store, and do not overwhelm them with too much stimulation.

Keep it Fresh and Current

Your furniture store should always offer fresh and new products regularly to keep customers interested. Rotate your existing products out for new ones consistently. This shows them that you are up to date with the latest trends and styles.

Furniture store merchandising is not rocket science, but a good strategy takes planning, creativity, and innovation. By following the tips listed above, you can create an inviting place where customers want to spend their time and, most importantly, purchase from you. Make sure you differentiate yourself from other furniture stores by creating a unique shopping experience that will delight and inspire them to buy.

At SPCI we specialize in helping furniture stores forge a new path. No matter whether you need a consultation, cash raising, a planned event, a turnaround or full liquidation, SPCI is here for you.